
1.1. To return an item, please enclose a note in the package stating why it is being returned, whether you would like a replacement or refund, your name, full address and a daytime telephone number. We do not keep individuals’ credit or debit card details for data protection reasons, so a member of our Customer Care Team will need to contact you to obtain this information before a refund can take place.

1.2. Address the package to Pharma Medico Ltd, 42 Park Hall Business Village, Longton, Staffordshire, ST3 5XA

1.3. Please note that all returns are evaluated before being processed. 

1.4. If for any reason you need assistance with your queries, please email our Customer Care Team at

We accept the following major credit cards:

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The Nourella® Active Skin Support System is a novel and effective approach to skin ageing. Using the Nourella® System’s cream and tablets together generates a synergistic effect in the skin, and the proprietary active ingredients RetileX-A® and Vercilex® are the result of considerable research and development over 28 years.

Nourella®’s safety and side effect free tolerability have been repeated in multiple clinical trials featured in leading international medical journals. Nourella® is completely drug free and based on natural ingredients.